Sunday, December 27, 2015

077 - Fish & Chips

Fish & Chips
By My Big Fat Cooking Blog


2 Large Cuts x White Fish (Cod/Dory/Haddock)
1 Cup (Approx 220 grams) x Low Protein Flour (For Batter)
1 Tsp x Black Pepper
½ Tsp x Salt
1 Tsp x Baking Powder
300 ml x Soda Water
As Needed x Low Protein Flour (For Dredging)
As Needed x French Fries
As Needed x Mayonnaise / Tartar Sauce
As Needed x Cooking Oil

Step 1 – Get your fish monger to clean your fish, completely debone, remove the skin. Set aside

Step 2 – Grab a large bowl, add your flour, black pepper, salt, paprika. Lightly mix, and add your soda water. Just lightly mix until all dry ingredients are mixed, and set aside. DON’T OVERMIX.

Step 3 – Heat oil on Medium-High. Set a battering station; Flour – Batter – Oil. Fry the fish for approximately 2-4 minutes depending on size.

Step 4 – Drain the fish once done, don’t forget to fry your fries too.

Step 5 - Serve



Thursday, December 24, 2015

Supermi Sop Buntut Daging Gurih Yummy!

The following recipe are to be described in Bahasa. English version to follow soon! Thank you =)

Supermi Sop Buntut Daging Gurih Yummy!
By My Big Fat Cooking Blog


1 x Supermi Sop Buntut
200 gram x Daging Sapi (potongan Sukiyaki, atau iris tipis)
250 ml x Air
1 x Bawang Bombay, Iris tipis
1 Sdm x Gula Pasir
2 Sdm x Kecap Inggris (Kecap Jepang lebih baik)
1 x Telur Ayam (Rebus setengah matang)
2 Sdt x Tepung Maizena
Secukupnya x Daun Bawang (Iris tipis bagian hijau)
Secukupnya x Air (Untuk merebus Mie)
Secukupnya x Wijen

Step 1 – Panaskan air secukupnya dan rebus mie hingga matang. Sisihkan. (Gambar Step 1-4)

Step 2 – Tuang air, didihkan. Masukan semua bumbu Supermi Sop Buntut. Tambahkan bawang bombai yang sudah diiris tipis, kecap inggris/jepang, dan gula pasir. (Gambar Step 5-11)

Step 3 – Tambahkan daging sapi begitu bawang terlihat tembus pandang dan lembut. Masak hingga matang, dan tambahkan tepung maizena yang telah dicampur air. (Gambar Step 12-15)

Step 4 – Atur: Mie di dasar mangkok, Daging + Bawang Bombay, tambahkan Telur Setengah Matang diatasnya. Tambahkan daun bawang dan wijen

Step 5 - Sajikan

Supermi Sop Buntut Nikmat!

The following recipe are to be described in Bahasa. English version to follow soon! Thank you =)

Supermi Sop Buntut Nikmat!
By My Big Fat Cooking Blog


1 x Supermi Sop Buntut
3 potong x Daging Sapi (iris tipis)
30 gram x Wortel
50 gram x Kentang Kecil
1 Buah x Tomat
Secukupnya x Seledri
Secukupnya x Daun Bawang
1 Buah x Jeruk Nipis
Air secukupnya
Bawang Goreng untuk hiasan.

Step 1 – Kupas wortel, iris tipis, sisihkan (Gambar Step 1, Step 2)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2 – Iris tomat sesuai lekukan, antara 4-5 tergantung Tomatnya (Gambar Step 3)

Step 3

Step 3 – Petik daun Seledri (Gambar Step 4)

Step 4

Step 4 – Iris daun bawang (Gambar Step 5). Gabungkan semua bahan yang telah dipotong jadi satu, sisihkan (Gambar Step 6)

Step 5

Step 6

Step 5 – Didihkan air, rebus kentang hingga bisa ditusuk garpu dengan mudah, selama kurang lebih 4-6 menit. Rebus wortel hingga empuk, kurang lebih 2-3 menit (Gambar Step 7,8,9)

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 6 – Rebus Supermi hingga kematangan sesuai selera, sisihkan (Gambar Step 10,11)

Step 10

Step 11

Step 7 – Didihkan air, masukan bumbu Supermi Sop Buntut + Minyak bumbu, masukkan daging sapi, diikuti tomat, daun bawang, seledri, wortel, dan kentang. Rebus hingga daging matang, kurang lebih 3-4 menit. (Gambar Step 12-18)

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

Step 16

Steo 17

Step 18

Step 8 - Sajikan

Sunday, September 20, 2015

076 - Agedashi Tofu

Hey everyone. I’m back. Yes. I do apologize for the lack of updates. To make up for the lost time, here is the recipe for one of my favorite Japanese appetizer, AGEDASHI TOFU.

For  1 serving, you will need;

·         1 Block Firm Tofu
·         4 Tablespoon Potato / Corn Starch
·         Oil for Frying

For Sauce
·         250 ml Dashi Stock (Fish Stock)
·         3 Tablespoons Soy Sauce
·         3 Tablespoons Mirin
·         1 Teaspoon Sugar

Halal readers, you can skip Mirin if you want.

Ready? Here We Go!

Step 1 – Cover the tofu in paper towel, and put heavy objects (I choose my dinner plate) over it to drain all of it’s excess moisture out. Leave for 10 minutes.

Step 2 – Cut into cubes, and dry furthermore with paper towels.

Step 3 – Dip the tofu in the potato/cornstarch, wipe any excess off, set aside

Step 4 – Heat oil, fry the tofu for about 1.5 minutes each side on Medium-High Heat. Once done, dry in paper towels

Step 5 – Heat the dashi stock, soy sauce, mirin, and sugar in a small pot. Once boiling, turn off the heat.

Step 6 – Pour the broth over the tofu, and voila

Step 7 – Serve!

If you can get your hands on Potato starch, use it. They will turn translucent once they got drenched with the sauce, and the coating will turn all gooey and tasty!

